DeAngelo Wiser
The losses will linger, and wake you up at night. The wins leave like the wind.
The first day with your new team will be a memory of a lifetime!
Planning for practice will be a joy.
A parent will confront you after a big win, only to complain about playing time for their child.
Teaching the game will come so easy, because of your passion.
Seeing the players “get it” will be rewarding.
Your field will be a mess and only be ready when you put in extra time to make it so.
Watching a player’s reaction after that first big win is priceless.
When a player thanks you for something you did, means everything.
A hateful email or text message will question your ability as a coach.
Attending Clinics and Seminars to expand your knowledge is fun.
Talking with your fellow coaches about trends and new ideas.
Your best player won’t be eligible because of failing grades.
Smelling the grass, seeing the crowd, warming up your team, all very special.
Your team being acknowledged by the officials as being very respectful.
Your prospective players end up playing for another team.
Going to camp with your team!! Memories of a lifetime!
Taking your team on a High Ropes Course!
The referee stops the game, threatens to end it unless you walk across and quiet unruly fans.
Seeing your players other talents on a talent show night! So much fun!
Sharing some life lessons before and or after practice.
An unsigned letter arrives in the mail, I think you know what it says.
Guiding players through difficult times in their lives.
Learning to compromise over things that really don’t matter.
No one will thank you for a job well done, its expected.
Picture day will be a challenge, but remember the players love it.
Senior Night, a special night for those who’ve given up so much for the team.
The hours are tremendously long, late nights, weekends, frustrating practices, and not much pay.
Former players getting together on Alumni Night, the hugs and thanks…………..
Seeing former players coaching………………………………………
Can you handle those who are against you? Even if it’s some of your players
I hope so, because it’s one of the most rewarding careers in the world. The joy of helping young people succeed on and off the field is something you can’t put a price on. So much of coaching has nothing to do with technique, tactics, conditioning, etc. but comes down to communication, caring, responsibility, understanding, and the ability to not be distracted by those who are not in your corner. We as coaches must always do what’s best for our players, and as the games begin, what’s best for our team.
I wish you the best, and remember, the great times, and how you influence your players will always outweigh the negatives. Stay true to what you believe in, and success will follow.